
Thursday, January 25, 2007


Ullen Sentalu

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Tinggal di Jogja tapi belom pernah ke museum Ullen Sentalu berarti termasuk kaum yang merugi. Koleksi lukisannya hampir 3 dimensi semua, batik-batik yang pernah dipake raja-raja juga masih terawat dengan baik, penuh dengan makna filosofis. Trus, disuguhin minum jamu pula!

Kata Mbak Guide-nya, jaman dulu kalo wanita kelihatan bagian dadanya nggak porno. Tapi, kalo keliatan betisnya, itu baru porno. Naaaahh...

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Damn, I Don't Like Seabiscuit

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Thanks to Board of Directors, we finally had a 'small party' at the end of this year. Seeing a movie titled Seabiscuit was a good choice and Moviebox; a private mini theatre, was the right place (at least, the safest place) since all of us afraid of 'HIV-infecting needle on the sofa'. Haha..

However, I prefer The Cars to Seabiscuit. Though both of those movies tell us about racing, struggling, being a winner and never-give-up spirit, The Cars is the only movie that can show me the meaning of being a winner. A true winner!

I almost lost my sense of competitiveness many years ago, until something woken me up. I was too tired to run, to beat and to be beaten because
I found it's so silly to be a winner without any depth-understanding of being a winner.

For me, from now on, life is not only about competing and being a winner. It's not matter if I can win the competition, but how hard my effort is and how valuable am I to the others. For me, for Lighting McQueen, life is not only about the end results, but it has something to do with the processes.

Happy New Year.


Menikah Lagi

pake batik di hutan kayak video klip malaysia aja ihh
"Selamat Menempuh Hidup Baru ya, Dora.. Akhirnya nyampe juga kan? Selamat juga buat sobat saya; Dody. Maafin nggak bisa dateng. Kutuklah sobatmu ini.. seandainya bisa berada di dua tempat dalam satu waktu, hiks.."


Bubur Promina

Bubur Promina rasa kacang ijo enak juga
Sekarang saya nggak bisa lagi makan kambing, makan pedes, makan yang keras-keras dan minum es, soalnya saya baru aja kena tifus. Sempat beberapa minggu bawa bubur promina ke kantor buat makan siang.

Bolak-balik sembuh kambuh hampir sebulan dan dokter bilang; saya kurang istirahat dan makan tidur nggak teratur. Dokter itu salah. Yang jelas, saya sakit karena saya kurang bersyukur waktu sehat. Jadi, sebagian kenikmatan diambil-Nya perlahan-lahan.

By the way, bubur Promina rasa kacang ijo enak juga :d


gini-gini juga foto saya

I believe that somewhere in the darkness night; a candle glows!

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